Ditch Stress and Start 2024 by
commanding your Mind with
Positive Intelligence coaching.
Testimonials from our ColourEmpower Positive Intelligence Clients
 Abeer sharing her experience during the first 3 weeks of PQ coaching. (Nov 2023)
Nathan sharing his experience during the first 3 weeks of PQ
coaching. (Nov 2023)
Mirna sharing her experience after 6 weeks of PQ coaching. ( Oct 2022)
Maha sharing her experience after 6 weeks of PQ coaching. ( Oct 2022)
Iman sharing her experience  of PQ coaching. (Aug 2022)

Clients' Experiences in Their Positive Intelligence Transformation

"A life-changing journey, the PQ program with Shirine helped me discover and re-connect with my true self. It enabled me to better understand my feelings and control my emotions. Very simple but extremely effective techniques that I have immediately applied in my personal and professional life. It works amazingly, and made a huge difference." Micheline, CEO

"With the PQ programme delivered by Shirine I discovered my own saboteurs and learned how to reduce their effect on my mind and personality. It is a huge learning and an eye opener that is new and unlike any of the coaching materials I have seen " Iman, CEO

"I deeply value the time we've spent together and the progress I had mentally and emotionally. I started this course with different mentality, I was angry and upset of my work but within this 6 weeks I started seeing things differently and I became more calmer and understanding." Afra, Manager in Hospital

 "I finished your Positive Intelligence course with improvement to my mental fitness..going from stress, anxiety, unhappiness...to noticing the saboteurs who are affecting my life, to keeping positive mindset and reducing self sabotage." Wadad

More Testimonials!
Joanna sharing her experience  of PQ coaching. (June 2022)
Jinan sharing her experience  of PQ coaching. (June 2022)

What is Positive Intelligence ?

If you’re not physically fit, you’d feel physical stress as you climb a steep hill.

 If you’re not mentally fit, you’d feel mental stress – like anxiety, frustration or unhappiness as you handle work and relationship challenges. ​ 

80% of people score below the minimum level of fitness required for peak performance and happiness.

 Mental Fitness is responding to life’s challenges with a positive rather than negative mindset. 


 The Positive Intelligence program is based on breakthrough, research-based tools which strengthen the part of brain that serves you and quiet the part that sabotages you. 

You will handle life’s challenges with a more positive mindset, and less stress. We call it mental fitness. 


Book a call to inquire about the PQ Positive Intelligence Program to handle your life and work challenges with a more positive mindset and less stress. Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice. And that’s what our program empowers you to do.

 You can experience immediate and sustained improvement in both your well-being and your performance. 

 PQ is based on Shirzad Chamine’s development work in Stanford University and it is now available worldwide for a variety of life or work applications. Our ColourEmpwer Coaching supported and guided PQ Program and is available for individuals, groups, businesses and organizations. 

Daily practice, weekly focus, group support, measurable progress.

8 week programmes that includes:

  •  Personal Saboteurs (Stress Profile) test and assessment
  • Access to the PQ app for 1 year
  • 6 weeks of intense mental fitness training that includes 32x 12 min unique daily focus exercises.
  • 7 weekly 1hr videos by Shirzad the founder.
  • 8 weekly 1hr live group coaching with Shirine (certified Pq coach) 
  • PQ POD accountability Group of 5.
  • Positive intelligence Book by Shirzad Chamine,  Founder and Head Coach 
  • Mental fitness gym with mindfulness exercises for 1 year

Are you ready to make a change?
My personal challenges led me to explore life coaching back in 2013 when I was seeking help and hope. After experiencing the transformative power of coaching, I embarked on a journey to facilitate art and well-being workshops in 2016. In 2020, I established ColourEmpower, an inspirational platform that offers motivation through the fusion of Art and Positive Thinking. Driven by my passion for personal growth, I obtained certifications as a Heroic Coach and a Positive Intelligence Coach. I feel truly fortunate to have touched the lives of over 100 clients through my coaching services and have welcomed 1.3K members into my ColourEmpower community. What I find most captivating about Positive Intelligence is its simplicity and power.. Once you grasp its principles and begin building your mental muscles with PQ practice you'll witness incredible transformations in your performance, relationships, and overall well-being

  • More about Shirine from clients testimonials of Colour me Happy Journey (Art and coaching journey by ColourEmpower)
    "This has been a most valuable experience both in terms of inner growth, enlightenment, and as an artistic journey – I would highly recommend the course."
    Roane Bensch-Duff
    Painter-printmaker and Illustrator, Spain.

    "This course gave me a wave of trust towards myself and my ability to show my inner feelings and thoughts through art, also communicate with individuals that were strangers to me in a friendly environment and exchanging ideas, everyday life issues. It was fun."
    kawthar Fakih

    "Colour Me Happy course with Shirine fulfilled the ambition to empower me to create a more effortless and colourful way of living and approach that continues to expand and as a reminder to be light and creative and not so serious."
    Eurydice Caldwel (Social Entrepreneur & Founder of Gener8te). London, UK.

    "I am creative and I have a foundation in art I love and to create but with life and different circumstances I lost my expression to create freely I really enjoy l being part of this community because it inspired me and sparked my innermost creative spirit. I found Shirine’s support was enriching . if you need to connect yourself back to the things you love join this course it will truly help you start to fall in love with art ."
    A creative person who loves art in all forms.

    "This course impacted me greatly during the last several weeks. I have put forward my artistic work and improved the reflection aspect of it. I feel more confident now about expressing my ideas through art and through words. The method of this course has highlighted my best qualities and the genuine and kind atmosphere made it a very pleasant journey to improve things I was working on. This experience made me much happier and focused."
    Izolda Griner
    Artist and Illustrator, The Netherlands.

    "Shirine was very helpful and made it easier to understand oneself. The impact was the connection to other people. It helped sharing thoughts, increasing self awareness and improving my creative side."
    Howayda Alqahtani
    Artist and art teacher .

    "Shirine has a very kind and expressive way of engaging the participants. It is indeed a colourful journey to open oneself up in many ways ."
    A creative person whose has worked in many fields from film to designing accessories

    "I got back to do art work every day and I love it. Most days I use two hours in the evenings painting and letting the day go to rest. It's wonderful!"
    Romana Hasenöhrl(Astrologist, author, Educator & coach. Salzburg, Austria..

    "I feel happy when I practice and learn more about arts .This made me feel free and happy!"
    Sahar Al Alem
    Medical supervisor for stem cell and cord blood Bank, and artist

    "I’ve been far away from arts for a long time. This course helped me drawing with all my soul not only with my fingers. Shirine was so helpful and encouraging she made drawing sounds cheerful as it should be."
    Nouhad AlFakih

    "The course helped build very positive ideas towards the future. It opened up new ways for thinking and creativity in an artistic and useful way for the mind."
    MA Student in Science. Some creative experience before the course

    "the course helped me learn new things in my life and to be a stronger person that can face life's challenges."
    Teacher. Some creative experience before the course

    "I was also impressed by the diversity of skills and interpretations of the themes, which pushed me to try new art styles. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in self-development/understanding through art and creativity and believe it is equally valuable to beginners and accomplished artists, builders, or creatives. My advice - Enjoy just jumping in and splashing around in colour and self- expression!"

    "This course lifted me up, It made me go through a journey of self reflection, awareness and discovery. I had no prior artistic knowledge but Shirine and the group made me feel that my work is significant."
    Aya Nakib
    No creative experience before the course

    "Shirine, I so much enjoyed doing this course. You had a very gentle, practical and inspiring manner that helped me relax and enjoy. The creative challenge was linked to self-insight too. I highly recommend his course. Absolutely no previous artistic experience required."
    Annemette Nielsen
    Wellbeing & Mindset coach). London, UK.

    " ...I had no painting experience but with this course I discovered that I can be a painter..The benefits of the course are beyond painting, painting was a tool to express ourselves, the real benefit was the intense positive effect on my mental health. Shirine was of great help she kept encouraging and helping us achieve our goals. It was an awesome experience."
    Imaan Thomas

    "This course made me a calm and happy person. It helped extract sadness from us and replace it with a feeling of happiness and joy."
    Najwa Soury
    No creative experience before the course

    "This course enriched me psychologically and through it I found a tool to release energy. Previously I used to watch videos of drawings but never tried to create. With the course I started to draw and I learned a lot. Through self knowledge and inspiration I started to develop new skills in my life. Patience and faith are two things that make you hopeful and persistent in life. Thank you, I wish you all happiness ."
    No creative experience before the course

    "I have no talent in paintings at all and i surprised myself to see that creativity can be develop by different ways and see that i was able to paint and express myself and even create something that i was not expected."
    Magali working in HR.

    "...fellow participants were amazingly talented, resourceful, diversified and inspiring. You get a real feel of their inner truer self and character traits (spontaneity, creativity, strength.) I love and recommend the course for everyone."
    Manager in electric generators business

    "The course made me feel very satisfied in terms of knowing myself and in creating. Shirine knows very well how to let us express our feelings and thoughts. The experience was amazing."
    Mirna Mekdad
    University professor with no creative background in drawing.

    "This course was a wakeup call for me as I got sucked with negativity in everything in my life due to sickness. With the help of this group I think I started to recover some of my old abilities.Shirine's guidance in the course was great. Thank you."

    "Shirine is a compassionate guide and her patient encouragement made it so easy for me to practice compassionate patience towards my during the growth moments."
    Hanat Balimuttajjo
    Wellness coach

    "I took the course for Self-development and to discover about myself. My favourite part about the course was discovering how people works. This is a good course if you want to learn better about yourself and to be more effective in society. Thank you Shirine for your kindness and patience."
    Yahya Attie
    University Student

    "the course made me happy and confident of myself. I liked taking part in the group. Shirine's suggestions were very useful and encouraging. She treated us with respect and kindness."
    No creative experience before the course

    "I liked working within a group, This course encouraged me to start drawing, it introduced me to colours and the expression of thought through art, I had empty time that I filled it with positive activities."
    No creative experience before the course

    "Through this course I have discovered I have a talent I should grow. I collaborated with my daughter and enjoyed drawing together."
    No creative experience before the course

    "I decided to take the course to find a way where my soul can heal and I was curious about what is art and how art works. My favourite part of the course is knowing about the Kindness/giving need. I have found this course a place where you are can express yourself and your life between the brush and the paper. I would encourage you to go ahead and do it!"
    Hawraa KZ

    "What I appreciated the most about Colour Me happy course the intercultural exchange that was really interesting and nourishing. I liked the idea that I needed to create a time for myself to think and to create something even if my artistic skills are moderate comparing to others. It allowed me to express myself freely without any fear, just was happy doing it for pleasure and fun. Big Thanks to Shirine and to all the participants who made it work efficiently!"
    Hadia Baassiry

    "In a time where we were all bored and mentally drained, Shirine’s course came to help fill and colour up our dull moments. This project increased our creativity and helped us explore our potentials. I had no prior artistic knowledge, however Shirine made me and everyone feel welcomed and she valued every single artwork of the members in which everyone was so excited. It was a pleasure to join, and I highly recommend it."
    Mona B

    "when I joined this course expressing myself clearly & colouring was a big challenge to me....I couldn't draw any thing but with Shirine’s help and encouragement from my new and nice friends in the group I start to colour assignment...It was really a very nice experience I regained myself trust for writing, expressing and colouring... I loved it a lot and I am looking forward to the new course."
    Wadad Jaber Hamadani

    "I had no painting experience but with this course I discovered that I can be a painter. The benefits of the course are beyond painting, painting was a tool to express ourselves, the real benefit was the intense positive effect on my mental health. Shirine was of great help she kept encouraging and helping us achieve our goals. It was an awesome experience."
    Iman Ousseyran
    CEO, Laurel & Tercel


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